The Mbuti Pygmies
Book 1965 Turnbull, Colin M.

MbutiAfrica > Central Africa
Originally presented as a thesis in 1956, this publication was supplemented and revised as a result of Turnbull's 1957-58 field experience. In one major respect it is a valuable addition to Turnbull's existing corpus of work: it offers extensive comp...

Wayward servants
Book 1965 Turnbull, Colin M.

MbutiAfrica > Central Africa
On the basis of an extensive and close association with a band of the Epulu net-hunters, Colin Turnbull examines the cultural factors contributing to the cohesiveness of the Mbuti bands and their independence of villager control. Turnbull rests the w...

The forest people
Book 1962 Turnbull, Colin M.

MbutiAfrica > Central Africa
Colin Turnbull singles out a few events in order to present a general picture of the Epulu net-hunting band of Mbuti Pygmies. Extensive sections portray the band's reaction to the death of one of its members in a Congolese native village, which inclu...

The Mbuti Pygmies
Book 1983 Turnbull, Colin M.

MbutiAfrica > Central Africa
This work discusses some of the major aspects of Mbuti ethnography and the sanctuary furnished them by the Ituri forest. Turnbull describes Mbuti existence under colonialism, and their symbiotic relationship with the Bantu villagers who have wholly d...